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Repcorder - Recorder of reps

4.6 ( 1136 ratings )
Gesundheit und Fitness Sport

Repcorder is the perfect exercise companion for recording your repetitions as you progress through your interval workouts,

No extra devices needed!

Get started quickly using provided HIIT example workouts, or choose from workouts shared by other Repcorder members.

Use Repcorder for:
-Martial Arts

Plus any other interval based activity which would benefit from real time repetition counting.

Reps are can be recorded in real-time. These appear as segments on a familiar, round clock timer.

You can record reps using three different ways:

- Your devices camera is used to detect your pose and count repetitions of pre-configured actions.
- When the microphone detects a noise that is louder than the level set during configuration, a rep will be added. This is useful for counting miscellaneous exercises which can be punctuated by a noise.
- When reps are set to be counted, the +1 and -1 buttons can be used to add or remove reps from the workout. This is also good way of adjusting your reps in case the other methods are producing inaccurate results.

Repcorder also provides a comprehensive way of creating and sharing complete interval-based workouts such as HIIT or Tabata. With a flexible combination of Sets and Workouts, Repcorder takes care of maintaining your complete range of workout routines.

The results of your workouts are stored for your convenience to review your progress. Stay tuned for results visualizations and progress charts in the next version!

Features in MVP version:

* Rep Projection Target View
* Welcome Wizard
* Save Custom Reps
* Voice counting assistant
* Results of individual limb counts
* Amplitude Threshold Rep Recognition
* Custom Sets and Workouts
* Create custom Reps
* Use any custom Rep in your Set
* Enhanced limb tracking
* Voice rep counting assistant
* Optimized performance
* Keep Weight
* Configure Reps AND/OR Time to progress sets
* Shared Workouts
* Date Indexed Workout Results
* Quick Startup Examples
* Instant Personal Data Deletion Option
* Supervisor Mode
* Voice Assistant preference
* Selfie or back camera preference
* Delete all your data preference
* More preferences and User Experience improvements
* Easy pose config wizard